
F.U. Friday - Thunderclouds

This week's F.U. goes out to those thunderclouds that pass over while making noise, but never rain. It's hot! I want some rain!!!

Fuck You!!! Quit teasing us and rain!!!


Edit (Friday 7AM): So that was the original post I typed last night. I wake up this morning and it's raining. Spooky. Very spooky.


MG said...

Ohhhh.... Philip, If I give you my wish can you make it come true?????

Love the pic...

Have an awesome Friday, and even better weekend.

Hoochie Mama said...

Have a great fucking weekend! We need the rain too, but I'm going on the boat this weekend and I don't want it to rain!!! It looks like it's going to. Yuck!

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