
Crapie is Good for your Soul

At 4:20 yesterday afternoon (go ahead and laugh you stoners), I picked up the phone without realizing the time and called HM. Here is what transpired:
Me: "Hey bud what are you doing?"
HM: "I'm just finishing up a little work."
Me: "Do you want to go fishing?"
HM: "Hell yea! I've been thinking about it all day!"
Me: "Me too! Pick me up at 5 and let's roll."

So I went fishing AGAIN. We got to Porter Lake about 6PM after stopping at Bonds to pick up some Moon Pie and Pecan Pies. Those hit the spot.

We fished with a terrible wind in our faces. We got several nibbles but it was really choppy so sometimes you had the phantom bites that were nothing more than waves. At one point I looked over a HM and he was trying to reel in something. As I was watching him, I felt a tug. I froze and paused. I felt a harder tug. And then I caught the first crapie of the season! Hells Yea, Baby!! I'd post the pic, but I look funny in the pic so forget it.

At 7:30 we left Porter Lake to head back to El Memfrico. On the way we decided we were going to filet the fish and cook some steaks too. He dropped me off at my truck and I went to schnuck's to pick up some sirloins. We had the fish pan fried as an appetizer. It was great. Then we had sirloin with corn on the cob and HM's "I forgot to buy lettuce" salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, yellow pepper, onion, and dressing). I had beer with the fish and we had some Indian Wells cabernet & merlot with the steak and veggies. It was great. I got home about 11 and crashed.

I highly recommend the Indian Wells cab. I know they stock it at Gaslight on Summer (closer to High Point than Buster's is and with better parking conditions too). Indian Wells also has a reisling that I tried last night too. UNBELIEVABLE!! If you are a woman who has never ventured beyond chardonnay or (gag) white zin, try this. It is a good wine that almost has a pear taste to it. I don't like pears that much, but I really went nuts with it. Great flavor. It'll be perfect for late spring and all summer in Memphis.

Songs on the Playlist:
Spencer Davis Group - Gimme Some Lovin'
Guns N' Roses - Live & Let Die
The Rolling Stones - Ruby Tuesday
Jimi Hendrix - Fire
O.A.R. - Hold On True (I used to like this band when they first came out with Crazy Game of Poker, but now their music is too "high school" for me. It feels like they lost that fire from back in the day. Maybe it's just me)
Stevie Ray Vaughan - House Is Rockin
KISS - Rock and Roll All Nite


Anonymous said...

Men who can cook and recommend a good vino are sex-ay.

BOB said...

So, where is this Porter Lake?? For the past 4 years, I've been tryin' to find a place to fish near Memphis, but I never can. I always have to travel at least an hour out of my way.

Have you ever been to Reelfoot? I went for the first time last year... must have caught at least 20 crappie - and that was just me. You better believe we all had a big ass fish fry at the end of that day.

Philip said...

Porter Lake is a private part of Horseshoe Lake. Where we go is a friend's family land on the lake.

Without much traffic we got from Memphis to there in about 45 minutes yesterday. With traffic it can get bad because you have to take I-40 part of the way.

I went camping at Reelfoot many years ago as a young Boy Scout in winter. It was fun but very cold.

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

When I grow up, I want to be a professional salt water fisherman...er...I mean fisherwoman.

Fishing is THE LIFE. ;)

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